Group Therapy - Dance/Movement Therapy
Dance/Movement Therapy was taken for Homeopathy Patients at PRANA.
Objective- To vent out through body movements and improve emotional well-being
12 days Group Therapy session
These Group therapy sessions were conducted to improve motor skills, increasing happiness and decreasing risks of depression in Geriatric population
Parent Training workshop
Workshop taken at White Umbrella office for Parents on How to understand your child and on how to use different behavioural modification to deal with behavioural challenges.
Group Therapy in building interpersonal skills in children
Group session for children to understand emotions and build interpersonal skills.
Guest lecturer for Engineering Students
Given session to Engineering students of Government Polytechnic College of Engineering on Understanding 3 C's of Life - Change, Choice and Career
Workshop for Marathon Runners by Skechers
Post Marathon Dance/Movement Therapy workshop was taken for relaxation and to improve self-esteem.