In the late 20th and early 21st century we have seen the most drastic transformation in our lives especially in terms of advancement in technology and its impact on our health and lifestyle. Now, you might be wondering that if this blog is about consistency, why I am writing about technology here. Well, I want to tell you about how technology strongly influences your daily choices and could be a key difference between you leading a healthy or an unhealthy life. Confused? Can technology really be that important? Let’s find out….
While technology has contributed to making our lives extremely easy, it has also made it more and more sedentary. Technology has given us infinite options in almost everything and since there are infinite options, we are also more curious and want to explore multiple aspects of life. The fear of missing out – commonly known as FOMO – often pushes us to shift from one thing to another so that we can explore more and even move ahead along with “What’s trending” at a particular point in time.
So, what’s wrong with exploring and shifting from one thing to another? Well, technically, you could say that there is nothing wrong with exploring your options be it in terms of hobbies, meeting people or even changing career paths, rather, one should explore these things so that one knows what suits or doesn’t suit them. However, have you realized that while you continuously try and explore different things in life, you might be lacking consistency and stability in your life which is VERY IMPORTANT for your health?
While technology has brought the world right into your hands, it might also negatively impact your mental and physical health. The multiple doors that technology opens for you might not be what you always require in your life. Many times the uncertainty factor that comes while exploring different options is what impacts our physical and mental health because we lack consistency, routine and stability in our life. While exploring things is surely beneficial, it is also important to find some stability and consistency in life.
Let’s see how technology can or cannot help us lead a healthier life a little later. For now, let’s look at why consistency is important for our physical and mental health.
Why is consistency important for your PHYSICAL health?
It is already a well-known fact that in order to be physically fit, one requires few basics things – a balanced diet, good hydration, adequate amounts of exercise and at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Now, ask yourself if you think that you are physically fit and have or maintain each of the following:
- maintain a balanced diet
- are well hydrated
- adequately exercise
- sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours every night
If your answer is “YES”, then I am really happy for you and wish you the best. However, if your answer is “NO” to either of the above four criteria of a physically healthy lifestyle, then I strongly suggest that you reflect on your own life and ask yourself where you could be going wrong and what you can do be more physically fit in life?
I am sure that all of us at some point in our life have decided to be more fit in life and planned out a good diet, workout, and routine for ourselves. While some of us do succeed, others might find it too difficult to begin or even if some of us do begin, we are not consistent with our own efforts and then just give up only to back to our old unhealthy habits and lifestyle.
However, what you can do to be more consistent for your physical health is written at the end of this blog. But first, let’s look at our mental health too.
Why is consistency important for your MENTAL health?
While understanding the importance of consistency in terms of physical health was quite easy, what do I mean by consistency being important for mental health? Basically, while some people thrive in uncertainty and even enjoy not knowing or planning their routine or life, others may find uncertainty, instability, lack of routine, and inconsistency extremely stressful.
Many people might be aware that maintaining consistency in routines is one important recommendation made to individuals dealing with mental health issues and disorders. Example, children and adults with ADHD can function better when they maintain a consistent routine while studying, working, giving time to their hobbies, spending time with friends and family etc. Another example includes those people who try to manage their mental health issues or overcome substance abuse by maintaining consistency with their routines. Routines help them manage their anxiety, depression and maintain their sobriety. Even if you do not have any mental health issue, consistency and healthy habits are only going to benefit you.
What are the causes of inconsistency?
While I cannot speak for everyone’s reasons for being inconsistent, here are few common reasons of inconsistency:
§ Dislike of doing things. Example: Rahul who does not like working out is inconsistent in going to the gym even after he has paid for the membership.
§ Fear of dealing with certain situations. Example: Shreya fears the worst about giving entrance exam. She is so preoccupied with thoughts about failing that she keeps changing her studying patterns and schedules.
§ Boredom. Example: Sameer needs his job, but finds it very boring and frequently takes sick leaves and holidays from office. Since he has missed work, his productivity is extremely low has now put him at a risk of getting fired.
§ Curiosity. Example: Ria is curious and wants to explore different careers paths. She has switched between three different courses in the past 5 years and is still unsure about which career she wants to pursue more permanently.
What can you do to have a consistent and healthier life?
Here are few general things that you can try if you want to have a more consistent and healthier life
Ø Invest time in yourself. Use an actual physical book as a journal to write about your thoughts, feelings and simply just take time to figure out and think how are you actually doing?
Ø Assess your priorities in life from time to time and plan your calendars accordingly.
Ø Practice mindfulness and meditation as it will help you to be grounded and more aware about the present moment thereby giving you more clarity about life.
Ø Plan things or your routines with people around you. We tend to be more consistent with our work or building healthier habits when we have a partner or group that is working towards the same goal as us.
Ø There are numerous apps/sites which help you keep track of your health. Example: You can use apps to track your diet, workout, sleep cycles etc.
You could also use an actual notebook or diary to keep track of the same.
Ø You can also use diaries/apps/sites for planning your routines, scheduling work, keeping track of your appointments etc., so that you do not have to remember everything.
It is up to you to decide how or if you want to use technology to your advantage and lead a healthy life OR maybe get swept up in current trends and just live life by going with the flow without any plans. There is nothing wrong with not having a plan and just living life by going with the flow, but if just going with the flow and not having stability and consistency in your life is impacting your health, then it is a major problem and you really need to see where and how you can bring stability and consistency in your life.
At the risk of sounding like a typical motivational speaker here, I will still say that consistency is the key to making a better and healthier life for yourself. I know that always being consistent can be difficult and we feel like giving up altogether, but keep in mind that being inconsistent at times is a part of being consistent overall in life. You do not need to wait for another new day, a Monday, a new month or a new year to begin improving your life with consistency. You can start right now!
If you feel overwhelmed about life or if you are going through any mental stress or issues, please feel free to speak to a mental health professional. Mental health professionals do not only work with people who have depression, schizophrenia or other mental health disorders. Mental health professionals also work with simple normal people like you and me who go through adjustment and emotional issues too! There is no harm in asking help for any mental stress or issue that you are going through. No matter how small or big you think your issue is, a mental health professional can try to help and support you.
- Nishita Vaswani